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Agreements on green energy projects with a total installed capacity of 1000 MW have been signed with Masdar

A meeting was held at the Ministry of Energy between delegations led by Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov and Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, the Minister of Industry and Advanced Technologies of the UAE, Chairman of Masdar. At the meeting, the implementation of onshore and offshore green energy projects with Masdar, the participation of public companies in the upstream sector of both countries, as well as cooperation issues within the COP29 were discussed. The construction of 1000 MW solar and wind power plants was assessed as a joint contribution of our countries to the transition to green energy.

At the end of the meeting, Annex to Investment Agreement, Energy Purchase Agreement, Agreement on Connection to Transmission Network and Land Lease Agreement on projects of 445 MW Bilasuvar SPP, 315 MW Neftchala SPP and 240 MW Absheron-Garadagh WPP were signed between the Ministry of Energy and Azerenergy OJSC and Masdar of the United Arab Emirates.

The agreements were signed by Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan Parviz Shahbazov, President of Azerenergy OJSC Baba Rzayev and Chief Executive Officer of Masdar Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi.
