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The first meeting of the Working Group on "Expanding the use of bioenergy" was held

The first meeting of the Working Group on "Expanding the possibilities of bioenergy usage" established by the respective order of the Ministry of Energy was held.

Kamran Huseynov, deputy director of the Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency under the Ministry of Energy (AREA), head of the Working Group, opened the meeting held in online format with an introduction, drawing attention to the bioenergy potential in our country and the possibility of using bioenergy potential in the creation of a Green Energy Zone in the territories liberated from occupation.

AREA Head of department Rena Humbatova informed about international experiences of bioenergy production. She noted the importance of the creation of the Working Group and identified the main tasks ahead. Discussions were held on the information presented by the member institutions, participants also exchanged the views on determining the directions of pilot projects in the field of bioenergy in our country.

Representatives of the Ministries of Energy, Ecology and Natural Resources, Agriculture and Economy, "Azersu" and "Azerishiq" OJSC, Small and Medium Business Development Agency took part in the meeting.
